Fairy House

I decided today that this tree needed a fairy house next to it!

I started by gathering supplies; twigs, bark, acorns, and etc. Just whatever fallen nature I could find in the backyard.

I tied the twigs together with twine to make the walls.

A neighbor kitty came to help! She wasn't a stand-still-and-pose-for-pictures kitty, so this is the best I got. But she was very soft and friendly!
Begging for some lap time
Rubbin' all up on me
What a pretty face!
She also tried to run off with the bark for the fairy roof! Maybe there's some bad blood there?

I used shorter sticks to leave a little doorway.

I laid down a broken stone slab I had found for their floor. That way if I decide to add furniture later I have a smooth, even platform. I put a second stone slab for the back wall to help support the roof. For the roof I tied together some bark chunks then covered it in needles that had fallen from a tree. I plopped that on top of the walls. I plan on adding accessories later, but building fairy houses is hard work!

For the final touch put some cream in a small acorn cap and leave it in the doorway to attract the fairies to their new abode!

I can see it perfectly from my computer window. Maybe I'll get to see some action!


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